A Simple Timeline

A Simple Timeline...

March 9, 2014- Admitted to St E with minor symptoms (on eve of move from house to condo*)
March 10- Guillain-Barre diagnosis and progression to full paralysis and intubation
March 12- Transfer to University Hospital NSICU
March 12-26- NSICU at UC
March 26-27- Brief stay at LTAC- Drake Hospital at Christ
March 27- Emergency surgery for bleeding trach, transfer to SICU
March 28-April 14- SICU at Christ (pneumonia and PE treatment)
April 14-19- MICU at Christ
April 19th- Transferred back to Drake Hospital (at Christ) ROOM 3083 (Easter weekend)
July 31- First time outside in 21 weeks
August 25- First meal in 5 1/2 months
October 16- 67th birthday at Drake
October 31- MICU at Christ for treatment of pneumonia and MRSA infection
November 17th- Return to Drake Hospital (at Christ)
Thanksgiving-Christmas-47th Anniversary- New Year 2015
January 17th- Hematoma (dealt with for about a month following)
March 19- 2 weeks off the ventilator! Trach capped for first time ;)
April 4&5- Baptism service and Easter
April 20- "So long" party with Drake staff
April 23- Move to Providence Pavilion rehab center in Covington, KY
May 26- June 10th- St E hospital (trach out, MRSA treatment)
June 10th- moved to Gateway Rehab in Florence, KY (feeding tube removed)
July 2nd- moved to Rosedale Green in Latonia, KY
August 8th- first time sitting in the seat of a car in 17 months
Oct 16th- 68th birthday party at Rosedale
November 26th- Thanksgiving with family+ at the Rickerts
*November 27th- first time in condo since purchase*
January, 2016- began using a motorized wheelchair controlled by head
July 10- move to HealthSouth rehab to prepare for move to assisted living
July 28, 2016- moved to Elmcroft Assisted Living in Florence, KY. After 871 long nights apart finally sharing a roof with wife again!!
August 2018- moved out of Elmceoft. Steve to Emerald Trace. Nancy to the condo.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Update from Gateway

Hi All,

Steve is getting a therapy workout of about 4 hours per day at Gateway Rehabilitation Hospital in Florence, KY. We find this place to be top notch and pray he can be there as long as possible. Right now, discharge is scheduled for July 2 and we don't know where he would go after Gateway. All depends on the progress he is making according to Medicare. Of course, he only wants to go home.

And he is progressing :) As you know, he got his trach out June 6. A huge milestone and we must again mention the amazing Drake Hospital respiratory team who patiently and frequently adjusted his ventilator settings and gave him so much daily assistance with breathing.  

Last week, his feeding tube to his stomach was removed and he gets all his nourishment by mouth.  He also passed the swallowing test that allows him to drink thin liquids -- bring on the Grape Nehi Soda, his favorite! Speech therapy signed off, satisfied with his improvement. Occupational and physical therapists say he is making progress on their front.

Thank you so much to the many who sent cards, brought food, and visited Steve during my first two weeks post-op from foot surgery. Your faithfulness is a blessing beyond words. Also, the "card shower" launched by daughter-in-love, Flora, brought so many cards to Steve and they decorate his room so he can see the love every day.

Thanking God for you,

Nancy and Steve

Happy Father's Day!

We are so proud of how you are doing. Keep pushing forward. We love you! - Tim and Becky

Friday, June 12, 2015

New location!

The past two weeks have been the busiest and most constantly changing in a long while! I thought that scheduling my foot surgery for June 5 would be a time of relative stability in Steve's recovery.  Not so fast.....

Two weeks ago Steve experienced a urethra tear from the catheter and was rushed to the ER and then admitted to St. Elizabeth Hospital. He was then checked out with multiple Xrays, CT scan, MRI, bone scan, etc. to check on not only the original problem but possibilities of pneumonia, broken arm, trach infection, cancer, etc. While we are waiting for one more test to come back, all the others came back with great news of NOTHING.  He was given several heavy antibiotics and will finish off the last of them tomorrow.

I believe he still wouldn't have his trach out if he hadn't taken the "side trip" to the hospital! It is so good to see him without a collar of some kind around his neck! It was also good to have a new set of eyes on him checking him out from head to toe. St. Elizabeth Hospital in Edgewood, KY, is high in my book! Everything was top notch.

It was great to have a visit from Steve's cousin John and his wife Carol while Steve was at St. E. They were here for 4 days and uplifted us both. Good timing, Cousins!

Then, Tim's and Becky's families came to town in shifts for my foot surgery and to help with my recovery and Steve's care. They had their hands full! I'm doing fine, though still confined to keeping my foot elevated and being in a chair most of the time. Thanks so much to those who came by to visit both of us and brought food too, even though I don't remember some of your visits:)

Great news!, Steve moved from the hospital to Gateway Rehabilitation Hospital in Florence, KY, June 10, for intensive therapy. The therapists at Provident Pavillion did good work in 5 weeks and got him ready for this next step. He will be working hard! Thanks to Tim and Becky who researched places, talked with case managers, and kept things moving along toward Steve's release from the hospital straight to intensive rehab!

Prayers would be so appreciated for Steve's ability to keep progressing in meeting therapy goals as insurance will be watching even more closely and progress is a requirement for staying. Also for peace and perseverance for both of us.

Thank you, Friends!

Nancy and Steve

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It's out!!!!

Mom went to the hospital to visit Dad this morning and he greeted her with these wonderful words "Look, my trach is out!" He had been discussing it with his pulmonologist and after reviewing his level of secretions, breathing treatments, etc., it was determined that he didn't need it anymore. Since he already had the smallest diameter trach, they decided that they could go ahead and simply remove it. Dad didn't feel anything. Everyone take a big cleansing sigh of relief! Feels good!! ;)

Monday, June 1, 2015

End of May Update (by Nancy)

As you know, Steve was transferred to St. Elizabeth Hospital Tuesday to check out problems from his catheter, UTI, and possible pneumonia. Good news is he has no pneumonia and infections are being chased away with "big guns" antibiotics. He does have a urethra tear but is expected to heal. He should be heading back to Providence Pavillion on Monday, June 1. They were very quick to evaluate this new problem and send Steve to the ER. Grateful for their quick reaction and also for the excellent care at the St Elizabeth ER and hospital. 

So the work of recovery continues... As always, we appreciate the many prayers, cards and visits, and for staying with us on this long journey.

Nancy and Seve